Put your authentic soul back in control.
Discover the transformative power of naming your Imposter.
Embark on a transformative journey like no other with SoulBlazing! Dive deep into the profound connection between your Imposter and your Authentic Soul, unlocking inner peace and forging deep, meaningful connections with yourself and others. Imagine breaking free from the chains of childhood trauma and taking control of limiting habits and thoughts – your life will undergo a remarkable metamorphosis, both in your relationships and within yourself.
Name it to deepen your self-awareness connections with those around you
Frame it to see negatives in a new, positive light
Tame it to embrace and reveal your authentic self

Work With Lisa
Choose your path.
Under the expert guidance of Lisa, you’ll engage in exhilarating exercises, immersive role-playing, soul-soothing meditation, powerful declaration creation, visionary practices, and transformative voice work. This unique and original process is designed to unlock your full potential and embrace the boundless freedom you deserve.
Picture yourself liberated from the limbo of uncertainty, stepping boldly into a life you consciously create. No more wishing for a better year – seize the power to make it happen now. Start your empowering journey today and unleash the Best You. The adventure of a lifetime awaits!
Showing all 5 results
SoulBlazing Imposter Series – Self-Guided Video Series (FREE)
SoulBlaze Your Life (SBYL): ME Journal Monthly Immersive and Self Discovery Journey
$45.00 / month
SoulBlazing Essentials: 75 minute Individual Coaching w/ Lisa Haisha
SoulBlazing Advanced: 5-Hour Personal Session with Lisa Haisha
SoulBlazing Mastery: 25-Hour Life Coaching with Lisa Haisha
Silence the Voices of Your Imposters
Unveil your authentic self
Do you find yourself asking the same painful questions over and over again?
And in the same breath, declaring: “But! I want to share my gifts with the world! I want to create a more meaningful life! I want to fall in love and share my life with loved ones! I want to have financial abundance! I want to belong.”
This is your Authentic Self speaking directly to your heart. The Authentic Self is the Visionary of your life!
It’s your Ego who offers doubts. It’s your Ego who tries to “protect” you… from the self-actualized life you deserve.
Your Ego is beholden by childhood wounds that say, “You can’t! You shouldn’t! You aren’t good enough. You’ll never be ready.”
And your Ego shows its face as 7 different Imposters… the Victim, the Egotist, the Seductor, the Joker, the Fixer, the Overthinker, and the Judge.
These are the dark voices in your head telling you that you’re not worthy of what you desire. (And the worst part is, these voices are firing in your subconscious 40,000-70,000 times every day!)
It’s time we name these Imposters and soften their voices. It’s time we make space to embrace the wiser voices of your Authentic Self!
It can be hard to silence the voices of your Imposters (even harder to befriend)… until you do the work.
But I promise, the work we do together will be FUN, enlightening, and game-changing!
In fact, I believe your Imposters are the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
This is your INVITATION to go on a Hero’s Journey to Self-Discovery that lasts a lifetime!

The Victim
The mothership of all Imposters. It shares a common border with your wounded inner child.

The Seductor
Flirtation and manipulation come together here, yet fear of real intimacy prevails.

The Fixer
Fixing things for others is a way to avoid self-reflection and doubles as a need for control.

The Judge
The Judge can become a rigid critic with a world view that’s set in stone.

The Egotist
Beneath the brash self-confidence you’ll find insecurity masquerading as bravado.

The Over Thinker
When unchecked, the Over Thinker leads to paralysis by analysis.

The Joker
The life of the party often masks a slew of insecurities that are no laughing matter.

The Authentic Soul
A peacemaker living in the moment believes in something greater than itself. Joyful and forgiving.
— Gary Zukav
What’s the Hero’s Journey to Self-Discovery? Well, I call it… SoulBlazing! And it’s specifically designed to help your personality come into alignment with your soul to sync *with* your Imposters… so they begin to work for you, not against you! And have fun doing it.
You will create heightened intuition so the voices of your Authentic Self can take its rightful place in the spotlight!
You will shed the layers of darkness that have been clouding your judgment.
You will develop deep connections with yourself and others.
You will release your addictions and desire to be “good enough”… or “better than.”
You will invite sacred versions of your Authentic Self that you’ve feared… until now.
Your SoulBlazing journey will completely transform your life so you reach the next level of fulfillment.
Lisa’s workshop helped me get clarity about what I wanted to achieve. What my life purpose is.
It’s time to wake up… before it’s too late. It’s time to meet your Authentic Self!
And before you ask – YES, SoulBlazing will be uncomfortable. Your Imposters will show up louder and more clearly – in the form of fear, anger, and grief.
But with your commitment and my support, you will create powerful new habits grounded in your Authentic Self… the part of you that’s confident, generous, joyful, and calm!
You will unmask your Imposters and step into a life filled with truth, love, meaning and purpose!
Because when you meet the Imposters who have been your saboteurs (and when you truly get to know them) – it’s like magic! Your Imposters become your superpowers…
And that’s when transformation happens. That’s SoulBlazing.
Together we’ll create the safe container you need to unpack your ingrained patterns, rewrite your story which will allow you to step into your power.
Lisa’s exercises are really fun and unique. You learn a lot about yourself. You learn, you grow, and you cry. And you make lots of friends and learn so much about yourself.
This isn’t mental health therapy or emotional counseling (you’ve tried that). This is a whole-self transformation to set you free to step into your Authentic, Purposeful Life.
We will use improvisation, writing exercises, and mind-body-heart-soul tools to change your neurological pathways and create lasting effects.
Are you ready?
It’s time to break away from what’s holding you back… until you’re left with the masterpiece: your Authentic Self!
Work With Lisa
Choose your path.
Showing 1–4 of 5 results
SoulBlazing Imposter Series – Self-Guided Video Series (FREE)
SoulBlaze Your Life (SBYL): ME Journal Monthly Immersive and Self Discovery Journey
$45.00 / month
SoulBlazing Essentials: 75 minute Individual Coaching w/ Lisa Haisha
SoulBlazing Advanced: 5-Hour Personal Session with Lisa Haisha