Create your roadmap for personal growth, wellness and the happiness you deserve.
Have you ever had the thought: What About Me?
Me too! That’s why I created this 90 day journal!
Introducing “ME” – your gateway to self-discovery and wellness.
Embrace the opportunity to delve into your inner world, unraveling the layers of your life.
With “ME,” carve out moments for daily reflection, igniting a journey towards focus and clarity.
Strengthen the bond with yourself and those around you, fostering deeper, more meaningful connections.
Start your transformative journaling practice today with “ME.
Set Your Soul On Fire!

Your passport to personal growth, wellness, and the happiness you deserve!
Dive into this transformative journey and give yourself the gift of daily reflection, unlocking newfound focus and clarity.
With each page, you’ll cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and those around you, fostering meaningful relationships and genuine fulfillment.
ME: A SoulBlazing Journal
This three-month journal isn’t just a notebook – it’s your secret weapon for manifesting change!
Unique exercises and engaging, thoughtful questions await – all curated from over twenty years in the self-help business, ready for you to explore.
Designed to be your partner in progress, every page empowers you to engage in essential emotional and spiritual housekeeping, set meaningful goals, and conquer the obstacles blocking your path to greatness.
Get ready to blaze a trail toward your best self with “ME: A SoulBlazing 90-Day Journal” by your side!

A Word from SoulBlazers
The Imposter Syndrome effects many people, even highly successful people, Lisa does a brilliant job in breaking your Imposters down, and understanding where they came from. Which helps you soar in every aspect of your life.
Kimberly Meredith
I’ve known Lisa for a hundred years. Her stories and the way she connects with her readers on the stage is mesmerizing. She is a true story-teller and game changer. Her SoulBlazing model has helped many people, including me. I’m honored to know her and to share the stage with her.
Ben Vereen
Lisa Haisha is the #1 SoulBlazer in America – in fact, she’s the #1 SoulBlazer in the world. I can say that with authority because Lisa is the woman who invented SoulBlazing – a groundbreaking avenue to personal growth and leading a more purposeful life. If you’re on a self-improvement journey, you will absolutely want to have her as your guide.
Lee Aronsohn
SoulBlazing is a powerful method for guiding you through your own emotional wilderness. Lisa’s principles are a master key to unlocking self-awareness and living your exciting true potential in life.
Dr. Joe Vitale
Lisa’s travels have put her in contact with suffis, shaman, and spiritual leaders uniquely qualifying her to help navigate life’s issues. She imparts her wisdom through her masterful story-telling skills and makes it highly relatable. There is no one who understands the soul’s journey like Lisa does and can explain things in a very concise understandable manner.
Larry Namer