What is SoulBlazing?

with Lisa Haisha

Get ready to get your Soul Blazed! SoulBlazing turbocharges therapy with exhilarating excitement. Dive into a world of improv where you’re the star, shedding old layers like clay in the hands of a master sculptor. With eye-gazing sessions that pierce into your soul, uncover your star Imposter and shed the childhood narratives that hold you back through declarations and other exercises. It’s not just therapy – it’s a transformative journey where you’re the writer and star of your own story. Buckle up for the ride of a lifetime with SoulBlazing. Get ready to feel empowered, inspired, and ready to conquer the world!

A true connection with others stems from being authentically connected to oneself.

When you are connected to yourself, you can be authentically connected to others. When you love yourself, you are able to receive and give love more fully. When you feel a sense of connection and belonging, you are happier and more fulfilled.

Loving and accepting oneself creates a foundation for genuine connections and fulfillment in all types of relationships. Stronger connections with romantic partners, family, and colleagues all contribute to a sense of wholeness. SoulBlazing helps you facilitate dynamic connections within yourself to create stronger bonds to the external world.

By cultivating a profound self-awareness, SoulBlazing enables individuals to harness emotional intelligence for navigating life’s challenges.
