Meet Your Imposters

The Seven Masks Unveiled

Transform your Imposters

into Superpowers

The Imposter Series is a pre-recorded 10-part workshop that includes:

  • Video Sessions to dive deep into each of the 7 Imposters
  • Downloadable WORKBOOK with 10+ exercises to implement what you learn in session
  • BONUS meditation practices to help you know your Imposters and tap into your Soul

You’ll learn how deep-rooted narratives from your childhood hardened into subconscious (and false) beliefs and patterns that became your Imposters and how to turn them into an asset instead of a liability.

Meet Your Imposters

The Seven Masks Unveiled

Understand the 7 Imposters that live on the stage of your brain… and acknowledge and LEVERAGE each one. 

Learn the SoulBlazing method step-by-step… and explore your personal narratives rooted in childhood and how to rewrite your future. 

Quiet your inner-doubts… and open yourself up to the possibility of change from within. It’s time to confront your Imposters for life-changing personal transformation. 

Transform your Imposters into superpowers so that you can live a more purposeful and authentic life.

Find Yourself

Live in alignment with your Authentic Soul.

  • Uproot and heal the childhood trauma that has plagued your subconscious for years
  • Identify and release the false beliefs that have changed the way you think about yourself
  • Let go of the negative behavior patterns that have held you captive for so long
  • And finally lead a more authentic, purposeful life in which you truly THRIVE (and encourage those around you to do the same!)

Maybe it seems completely out of reach, because you’ve tried everything under the sun and nothing’s worked. Maybe it sounds too good to be true, because you no longer believe any of this is possible for you. Or maybe you’re having doubts because giving up on yourself and giving into self-limiting beliefs has become a bad habit.

It’s time to finally live in alignment with your Authentic Soul and live out every one of its desires!

Find Your Truth

Your Imposters give you superpowers!

The truth is, many of us have lived our lives having already given up. We’re used to telling ourselves that we CANNOT overcome our biggest challenges (or any challenges). We think we just have to learn to live with it.

Which means we’ve allowed our Imposters to take over and run the show.

The Imposter Series is a pre-recorded virtual mini-course designed to help you break free from these personal limitations and ignite the process of change from within!

In this self-led video course, I dive deep into the 7 Imposters that live on the stage of your brain and teach you how to acknowledge and befriend each one… so you can LEVERAGE your Imposters for good!

And if you think that transformation is a too-slow process, think again.

With a heavy dose of new information and a commitment to doing the work, my clients often move from *rock bottom* to finally discovering and then befriending their dominant Imposter… for good.

The same Imposters wreaking havoc in your life can actually help you find your groove once again!

Meet the Imposters

Determine who your dominant Imposter might be.

The Victim

The mothership of all Imposters. It shares a common border with your wounded inner child.

The Seductor

Flirtation and manipulation come together here, yet fear of real intimacy prevails.

The Fixer

Fixing things for others is a way to avoid self-reflection and doubles as a need for control.

The Judge

The Judge can become a rigid critic with a world view that’s set in stone.

The Egotist

Beneath the brash self-confidence you’ll find insecurity masquerading as bravado.

The Over Thinker

When unchecked, the Over Thinker leads to paralysis by analysis.

The Joker

The life of the party often masks a slew of insecurities that are no laughing matter.

The Authentic Soul

A peacemaker living in the moment believes in something greater than itself. Joyful and forgiving.

“Creating authentic power means aligning your personality with your soul.” — Gary Zukav

The Imposter Series is a pre-recorded 10-part immersive into each Imposter. This program includes –

  • Video Sessions to dive deep into each of the 7 Imposters
  • Downloadable WORKBOOK with 10+ exercises to implement what you learn in session
  • BONUS meditation practices to help you know your Imposters and tap into your Soul

You’ll learn how deep-rooted narratives from your childhood hardened into subscious (and false) beliefs and patterns that became your Imposters.

And through my unique SoulBlazing method, I’ll help you become attuned to your deep truths to achieve inner-peace and the freedom to embody your Authentic Soul


The Imposter Series will help you answer questions like…

  • What does it mean to live in alignment with your Authentic Soul?
  • Who are the seven Imposters and how are they holding you back or preventing you from leading a more authentic purposeful and self-actualized life?
  • How can you leverage them so that they become a superpower rather than an obstacle?
  • And so much more.

You’ll quickly begin to…

  • Understand the 7 Imposters that live on the stage of your brain… and acknowledge and LEVERAGE each one.
  • Learn the SoulBlazing method step-by-step… and explore your personal narratives rooted in childhood and how to rewrite your future.
  • Quiet your inner-doubts… and open yourself up to the possibility of change from within.