Renowned Life Coach Lisa Haisha Selected as Top Life Coach to Watch in 2023


Renowned Life Coach Lisa Haisha Selected as Top Life Coach to Watch in 2023

Los Angeles, CA – May 1, 2023 – Lisa Haisha, a well-respected life coach and founder of SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha, has been selected as one of the Top Life Coaches to Watch in 2023 by Entrepreneur Magazine.

Entrepreneur magazine’s latest article, “Top Life Coaches to Watch in 2023,” highlights Haisha’s work in the industry and the positive impact she has had on her clients. The article praises Haisha for her unique approach to life coaching and her ability to empower individuals to live their best lives.

“I am honored to be recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as a top life coach to watch in 2023,” said Haisha. “I have dedicated my career to helping people unlock their full potential, and it is truly humbling to be recognized for that work.”

Haisha has been a prominent figure in the personal development industry for over two decades. She has coached individuals from all walks of life, including celebrities, executives, and entrepreneurs. Haisha’s coaching focuses on helping individuals identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and create a life they love.

In addition to her work as a life coach, Haisha is also the founder of Whispers from Children’s Hearts Foundation, an organization providing support and resources to children in need around the world.

Haisha’s selection as a top life coach to watch in 2023 is a testament to her dedication to helping others and the impact she has had on the personal development industry.

For more information about Lisa Haisha visit


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SoulBlazing With Lisa Haisha