Rewrite Your Story And Create Your Legacy

Get From Where You Are Now…To Where You Want To Be with group coaching and support.


You’ve made peace with the past… to embrace your current reality in this moment.

You’ve given yourself permission to prioritize YOU… to nourish mind, body, and soul.

You love yourself deeply and completely… you ARE the love story you’ve always wanted!

You’re embracing every part of who you are… because you no longer label yourself as “good” or “bad”.

If this sounds like a dream, I promise you – IT’S NOT.

This can be your reality.

SoulBlaze Your Life is designed to help you reach this level of self-acceptance and self-love by reframing what’s happened “to” you and helping you create the life you love.

    SoulBlaze Your Life is a 3-part series of LIVE {virtual} group coaching sessions

    to help you rewrite your story and create your legacy.

    Part 1: Meet Your Imposter

    Get clarity + Inspire motivation

    Get to know your 7 Imposters and understand the stories that have defined your life.

    • ​Learn the cast of characters on the stage of your brain
    • Stop playing the “blame game” (for good!)
    • And turn your saboteurs into superpowers

    Part 2: Create Your Legacy

    Rewrite your story + Embrace what you want

    Reframe your stories by understanding the facts and begin to rewrite your future.

    • ​Determine what gets in the way of creating what you want
    • Get in touch with your inner-child and write your Imposter stories
    • Define your North Star and where you’re going next

    Part 3: Build Your Abundance

    Know who you are + Manifest what you want

    Understand what your soul is communicating and SoulBlaze your way to abundance.

    • Define abundance v. scarcity consciousness
    • Learn about the power of forgiveness and gratitude
    • And create new habits and rituals for growth

    Each {6-week} session meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm PT and includes:

    • WEEKLY group coaching sessions where we’ll dive deep into new concepts!
    • WEEKLY Q&A sessions with the option to receive individualized coaching with me!
    • PLUS, digital and printable workbooks to digest the material and track your progress!

      Here’s what you can expect from SoulBlaze Your Life…

      “I cannot tell you how great the experience was! Coaching with Lisa brings years of insight that she blends with personal stories and expertise in the field. If you’re looking for someone with experience and expertise, Lisa is the best coach out there!”

      “Lisa coaches in an engaging way that helps you understand the big concepts (you’ve been missing!) Lisa helps people genuinely connect with who they are!”

      Lisa is engaging, entertaining, and relatable! I love that Lisa shares her own experiences… and even watching her coach other people helped me notice the same qualities in myself (which helped me take action!)”

      Lisa’s SoulBlazing Method really makes sense to me, because it directly applies to everything happening in my life right now.”

      Lisa’s workshop help me get clarity about what I wanted to achieve. What my life purpose is.


      Participant, Lisa Haisha's "Spark" Workshop

      Lisa’s exercises are really fun and unique. You learn a lot about yourself. You learn, you grow, and you cry. And you make lots of friends and learn so much about yourself.


      Participant, Lisa Haisha's "Spark" Workshop

        You’ll go from…

        • Feeling “stupid” because your parents told you as much… to understanding who you are and what YOU want
        • Giving up “healthy habits” almost immediately… to prioritizing your wellbeing as a daily habit
        • Being “shy” and “uncool” at social gatherings… to inviting your Authentic Soul to remove the mask!

          What each person “gets” from this program is quite different, because every person comes to the table with a unique combination of challenges…

            And we’ll work through them together!

            SoulBlaze Your Life is perfect for you IF…

            You have Big Dreams… but you just can’t seem to make them happen

            You know what you want… but you struggle to hold onto motivation and self-discipline

            You’re sick and tired of NOT getting what you want… because you know there’s MORE for you out there

            You’re done trying the same things that NEVER work… because you’re ready for something better

            You’re on the right track toward building the life you want… but you still desire community and inspirational support!

            SoulBlaze Your Life is designed to challenge you in ways that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

            You’ll break ingrained habits over time and embrace the legacy you want to create… within a community of support!

            This program is designed to meet you where you’re at.

            “I know there’s more for me, but I don’t know how to make it happen.”

            I work with people who have Big Dreams for the future.

            You want to pursue what you’re passionate about! You want to live a life of meaning and purpose! And you want to do it all from a place of personal sovereignty and holistic peace.

            The problem is: Even if you know what you want, every time you get close… you’re sabotaged (by one thing or another).

            Or maybe you’re consistently disappointed by life… and you’ve all but given up hope that good things might happen for you.

            Or maybe you’ve spent your life isolated and alone, feeling disliked (and, dare I say it, disliking yourself):

            • Your closest relationships (and even your work relationships) are smothered by miscommunications and disagreements
            • You’ve been consistently passed over for promotions and major roles
            • And you just can’t seem to hold onto motivation and self-discipline long enough to get the results you want

            You’re sick and tired of the same ‘ol stories… and it feels like you just can’t get anything right!

            (This holds true whether you’re scraping by in a life you never wanted OR living “the good life” because these feelings of defeat are universal.)

            So, too, are the life-changing possibilities of SoulBlazing.

            SoulBlaze Your Life will help you rewrite your story and create your legacy. One step at a time.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Q: What if I can’t make every LIVE coaching session? Will you send me the recording?

            A: I highly recommend that you join the coaching sessions LIVE each week, because that’s where you will have the opportunity to meet other group members, ask your questions, and witness or receive transformational coaching. However, if you have to miss a session, you will receive a recording via email.

            Q: Can I take just Part 1? What if I want to join Part 2 or Part 3?

            A: Yes, you can enroll in Part 1 now, with the option to join Part 2 and Part 3 later. Each 8-week session runs independently from the others – but they build on each other! In Part 1, you’ll begin to understand who you are by writing your Imposter stories. In Part 2, you’ll reframe and rewrite your story. And in Part 3, you’ll create your legacy and build a life that matters!

            Q: Do I have to participate in group or individual coaching?

            A: No, your participation is not required (and you’re not being graded!) However, part of this program is about finding your voice. I encourage you to contribute in the way that serves you best – whether that’s asking a question and receiving individual coaching OR witnessing another person’s transformation.

            Q: What if something comes up and I can’t finish the 8-week session? Can I get a refund?

            A: Because of the sacred nature of group coaching and short-term sessions, your payment reserves your spot and will not be refunded for any reason. Thank you for understanding.
